Monday, 3 December 2012


What is DW?
A DW is : A collection of integrated , subject oriented Db designed to support the DSS (decision support system) function, where each unit of data is relevant to some moment in time.
A copy of TD specifically structured for query & analysis.
Define InfoObject?
Busines s evaluation objects (customers. sales revenues...) are known in BW as InfoObjects. They are divided into characteristics, key figures, units and time characteristics.
Differentiate between InfoObject and InfoSource?
InfoObject: Business evaluation objects are called InfoObjects.
InfoSource: An InfoSource is always a quantity of InfoObjects that logically belong together
What is Source system?
All systems those are available to the Business Information Warehouse for data extraction. This could be an R/3 system but could equally be an external system like Oracle Applications, Siebel, XML, Flat file data.
What are the types of Source Systems?
SAP R/3 Systems – From release 3.OD
External Source Systems (Non SAP, Flat Files, Data providers, R/2, BW)
->How each source system communicates to the BW system?
SAP R/3 OLTP and BW -> ALE and/or TRFC
External systems              -> BAPI
Define source system?
All systems that provide the SAP Business Information Warehouse with data are indicated as source systems.(A SS is any system that provides data for SAP BW)
What is an info source?
Ø  The Info Source prepares the data for the permanent storage with in Infocube.
Ø  Supplies BW with source system data that logically belongs together from a business point of view
Ø  Info source is system specific
What is data Staging?
The collection of extracted data from various source systems and their homogenization is called Data Staging
List and explain the components of InfoSource?
An InfoSource is always a quantity of InfoObjects that logically belong together. The structure in which these are stored is called a communication structure. Data is updated in the InfoCubes from this structure. In this way, the system always accesses the active saved version of the communication structure
What are the types of data an Info source contains?
Info Source contains either transaction data or master data (Attributes, Texts and Hierarchies)
What is maximum number of dimensions that one can have in an InfoCube?
16 including the 3 Dimensions provided by SAP i.e. Unit, Time and InfoPackage
What are DIM ID’s and SID’s?
DIM ID means Dimension ID. SID means Set ID.
What does the BW statistics cube do?
BW statistics enables the users to get an overview of the BW system such as how InfoCubes, InfoObjects, InfoSources, Source Systems, Queries and Aggregates are used in the system.
Ø  It offers support to review the system performance.
Ø  It helps the users to manage the BW system.
Ø  It assists the users to maximize the usage and minimize the updating cost of Aggregates.
Differentiate between Data Staging and Data Store.
Data Staging: The entire process of controlling the data transfer from various data sources to the BIW can be summarized under the generic term ‘Staging Engine’.
Data Store: BW makes a store available for operative data. Here the transaction data from the OLTP can be saved in one step. In the next step update of the InfoCube can take place. ODS enables:
Ø  Check of imported data
Ø  Data manipulation
Ø  Synchronize loading from different source systems (time lag)
Ø  Refreshing InfoCube (no OLTP traffic)
Initialization of InfoCubes from historical data (no OLTP traffic)
Differentiate between Source System and an InfoSource.
Source Systems: All systems that provide the SAP Business Information Warehouse with data are indicated as source systems.
InfoSource: An InfoSource is a summarized quantity of information that logically belongs together for a unit. An InfoSource is always a quantity of InfoObjects that logically belong together. If fields, which logically belong together, exist in various source systems, they can be brought together for an InfoSource in BW.
Differentiate between Extract Structure and Transfer Structure.
Extract Structure: In the extract structure, data from a DataSource is staged in the source system. The extract structure contains the amount of fields that are offered by an extractor in the source system for the data loading process.
Transfer Structure: The transfer structure is the structure in which the data is transported from the source system into the SAP Business Information Warehouse. It provides a selection of the extract structure fields for the source system.
Note: When you activate the transfer rules in BW, an identical transfer structure for BW is created in the source system from the extractor structure
Why do you need transfer structures in both OLTP and OLAP?
An InfoSource in BW requires at least one DataSource for data extraction. DataSource data that logically belongs together is staged in an extract structure in an SAP source system. In the transfer structure maintenance, you determine which extract structure fields are transferred to the BW. When you activate the transfer rules in BW, an identical transfer structure for BW is created in the source system from the extractor structure. This data is transferred 1:1 from the transfer structure of the source system into the BW transfer structure, and is then transferred into the BW communication structure using the transfer rules.
Differentiate between transfer rules and update rules.
Transfer Rules: When you have maintained the transfer structure and the communication structure, you use the transfer rules to determine how the transfer structure fields are to be assigned to the communication structure InfoObjects. You can arrange for a 1:1 assignment. But you can also fill InfoObjects using routines or constants.
Update Rules: The update rules specify how the data (key figures, time characteristics, characteristics) are updated in the InfoCube from the communication structure of an InfoSource. You are therefore connecting an InfoSource with an InfoCube
How data extraction will be executed?
SAP R/3 OLTP     -> Using API’s (Application Programming Interface)
External systems -> Using third party tools or file system
How master data is assigned in BW?
In BW master data is assigned to the Characteristics and can be represented using Attributes, Texts and Hierarchies
How many source systems and communication structures a Transfer structure can refer to?
One, a Transfer Structure always refers to one Source system and one Communication structure
How OLTP Applications communicate with BW?

Source System

Communication Procedure


Service API

Oracle, SQL Server, Databases

DB Connect

ETL Tools e.g.: Informatica, Ascential


Flat File

File Interface


XML Interface

Where does Extract mechanisms that prepare productive data per application for the BW exists?
Any OLTP System (Eg: SAP R/3, Oracle, Informatica, Siebel, XML, Flat file, etc)
What is the data warehouse Objectives?
a.       Extract data from different source systems is the main functionality of data warehouse
b.      Manipulate data and generate reports, this process is called Data modeling. This is also called OLAP Processing
c.       Make such reports available to the decision makers (Info presentation)
What is the Architecture of BW?
d.      BW has a multi- level architecture to provide the maximum degree of flexibility
e.       BW can extract and use data provided by a variety of sources. These include R/3 and R/2 systems, non-SAP systems, flat files, commercial data providers, and even other BW systems. 
f.       The BW server provides all the tools necessary to model, extract, transform, aggregate, store, and access data. Since the description of the data, regardless of its source, is contained in a common Metadata Repository, data from a variety of sources can be combined to give you enhanced data analysis options.
d. BW users can access data through the SAP Business Explorer, a standard                                    web Browser, or third-party display tools, which have been certified for use with a common BAPI interface.
Where Meta Data is managed Business Information Server?
It is managed in a Meta data Repository in BW Server. Meta data gives the information that characterizes the data in the data warehouse environment.
What is Staging Engine?
The entire process of controlling data transfer from various source systems to the BW can be summarized under the generic term Staging Engine.
Staging process involves following stages:
a.       Extract source structure is used to temporarily hold data in the OLTP.
b.      Data is copied to transfer structure on the OLTP.
c.       Using ALE or TRFC data is transferred into BW.
d.      Transfer rules can be used for homogenization of data.
e.       Update rules describe data update into Infocube through communication structure.
What is the difference between Operational (OLTP) Vs Decision support environments (OLAP)?




Primary Operation

Create, Delete, Update data (DML operations are performed)

Analyze the data

Level of Analysis



Amount of Data per Transaction

Very small


Very large


Type of Data




Relevance of Data



Current and historical

Data Updates



Less frequent, only new data

Database Concept





Number of Transactions/Users




Time Frame


Point in time


Time period


Database Data






Number of Tables per Transaction





Type of Processing




Ad hoc


What is Data Staging?
ü  The staging process prepares data for the permanent storage.
ü  The BW system can handle heterogeneous data sources, SAP and non – SAP source systems.
ü  The Meta Data repository includes technical and business related information bout the data in BW.
ü  Most important Meta Data information within the staging process are described in Info Objects and Info Sources.
ü  The data staging for the Business Information Warehouse is also possible from external systems and flat files.
 What is Info-IDoc?
ü  Info-Idocs contain information about whether or not the data Idocs were correctly uploaded.
ü  By specifying a frequency, you determine the number of data Idocs after which an Info IDoc is to be sent. In other words, how many data IDocs are described by a single Info-Idoc
ü  You can see in the BW Monitor from each info IDoc whether the load process was successful or not. The traffic light is green if this is the case for all data Idocs described by an InfoIDoc
What are the Meta Data Tables prefix for OLTP (SAP R/3) and BW?
SAP R/3 – RO* (Around 64 Tables)
BW – RS* (Around 68 tables)
Metadata is data about data. This means that Metadata describes the origin, history and further aspects of the data. Using the Metadata, the information that is stored in the SAP Business Information Warehouse can be effectively used for reporting and analysis.
There are different classes of Metadata:
Ø  Technical
Ø  Business-orientated
Explain about “Business Content” in SAP Business Information Warehouse?
Predefined role and task-related information models that can be suited to enterprise-specific requirements. Business Content makes the supply of information available to roles in an enterprise, which requires this in order to complete its tasks. Business Content essentially consists of roles, workbooks, queries, InfoCubes, InfoObjects, InfoSources and update rules, as well as extractors, for SAP R/3, SAP New Dimension Applications and for additional selected applications.
All are available in the SAP delivery system, the so-called D (Delivery Version) version.
If you want to work with the Content objects, then you have to transfer them from the D (Delivery) version to the A (Active) version.

SAP Content Delivery Version
Active version for usage
Change Version
Why and How SID’s are shared across InfoCubes?
SID Tables are nothing but Set ID or Surrogate ID Tables. These tables contain Master Data, Texts and Hierarchies for respective Characteristics in the Dimensions.
Since the Master data does not change frequently, the Data is made shareable for all the InfoCubes
Internal key of type INT4 that you use for master data for master data-bearing characteristics, especially for hierarchy nodes and for characteristic names. Master data IDs and characteristic values are stored in master data tables (SID tables). Information about time- independent or time-dependent master data, which is stored in a P table or a Q table, is saved again in an X or Y table, using SIDs instead of characteristic values.
Explain briefly about the Staging process?
The entire process of controlling the data transfer from various data sources to the BIW can be summarized under the generic term “Staging Engine”. The main purpose of the Staging process includes the collection of extracted data and their homogenization.
This includes the following:
Ø  Establishing the connection between Source Systems and BW System.
Ø  Meta Data Maintenance.
Ø  InfoObject definition.
SAP has predefined 3 dimensions.  What are they and why they were provided by SAP?
The 3 dimensions provided by SAP are Time, Unit and InfoPackage.
Ø  Time: The explicit time dimension is needed to describe Fiscal Periods, Seasons, Holidays, Weekends and other calendar calculations that are difficult to get from the SQL date machinery.
Ø  Unit: Multi currency conversion situations and also the quantity conversions can be best handled as the system provides this dimension.
Ø  InfoPackage: Data is uploaded as an InfoPackage. The InfoPackage ID is generated by the system. InfoPackage is primarily used for the purpose of scheduling and rollback of data if and when required.
What is “Extended Star Schema” and how did it emerge?
The Star Schema consists of the Dimension Tables and the Fact Table. The Master Data related tables are kept in separate tables, which has reference to the characteristics in the dimension table(s). These separate tables for master data is termed as the Extended Star Schema
List and explain the components of Administrator Workbench (AWB).
The components of AWB are:
Ø  Modeling: In modeling, you can create and edit all the objects and rules of the Administrator Workbench that are needed for data transport, update and analysis.
Ø  Monitoring: In Monitoring, you have the option of overseeing and controlling the data loading process into the Business Information Warehouse.
Ø  Business Content: Contains a repository of objects (InfoCubes, InfoSources, InfoObjects, Queries etc). These can be made use of by activating the required objects. We may use it as it is or make some modifications to suit our requirement.
Ø  Metadata Repository: In the Metadata Repository, you can display active objects in the system (Activated Objects) and objects delivered by SAP (Business Content).
When & how Dimension tables in an InfoCube get populated?
The Dimension tables gets populated during the Transactional Data upload.
For every combination of the SID’s in the dimension, a DIM ID is created
What are different types of data with respect to BIW?  In what sequence they are loaded and why?
Meta Data, Master Data, Transactional Data.
ü  First:       Meta data: is uploaded
ü  Second:  Master Data is uploaded.
ü  Third:      Transaction Data is uploaded
How “Degenerate Dimensions” & “Sparsely Populated Cube” are created?  Explain reasons why they are desired / not desired?
Degenerate Dimensions: Arises incase where the grain of the Fact Table represents an actual working document like Order number or Invoice number.
ØDesired: Such a situation is desired in cases where the high level of granularity is required.
ØNot Desired: Since in cases where we need to go in for detail, we can go to OLTP side of data. Also this level of granularity increases the InfoCube size and affects the query performance.
Sparsely Populated Cube: In the Fact Table, when not all fields are filled with data for each record inserted, the field(s), which is not filled, also occupy space. Over a period of time a lot of disk space is wasted which decreases the performance of reporting. This is situation is called “Sparsely Populated Cube”.
Not Desired:
This situation is not desired as there is unnecessary increase in the disk space
What are Aggregates?  How an Aggregate created?  Under what circumstances an Aggregate cannot be created?
Aggregates are the summarized data of an InfoCube. Aggregates form a subset of an InfoCube.
ü  Aggregates cannot be created where the master data is time dependent.
Write briefly about various types of InfoObjects and InfoSources and what are the differences between them?
InfoObjects: The different types of InfoObjects are:
Ø  Characteristics: The qualitative assessment of data.
Ø  Key Figures: The quantitative aspects of data
Ø  Time Characteristics: Provided by SAP. Basically they are Characteristics.
Ø  Units: Key Figures provided by SAP. They are Units of measure.
Ø  Technical Characteristic Info Object: eg: Document number
InfoSources: The different types of InfoSources are:
Ø  Master Data InfoSource: For uploading Master Data.
Ø  Transaction Data InfoSource: For uploading Transaction Data.
Give a sketch mapping Dimension Key in an InfoCube from its origin.  Ans    ?
How would you decide whether an InfoObject should be used well as a Dimensional Characteristic or as an attribute of a basic Characteristic?
Dimensional Characteristic is basically a ‘strong’ entity. The other entities, which describe this basic characteristic, form the attributes of the basic characteristic.
Eg: If Material Car is taken as a basic characteristic, then the other attributes like the Color, Accessories etc form the attributes of the basic characteristic Material Car
What is the single most important factor that determine the performance of the InfoCube and Why?
Granularity. Higher the granularity, greater level of detail to which the data exists in the Dimension and hence the Fact Table. This increases the disk space and hence directly proportional to the performance.
When extracting data from OLTP to InfoCube, please list out the areas where and how data can be manipulated?
Data can be manipulated in the following areas:
Ø  From Extracts to the Transfer Structure (at OLTP): Transfer Rules
Ø  From Transfer Structure to the Communication Structure (in OLAP): Transfer Rules.
Ø  From Communication Structure to InfoCube (in OLAP): Update Rules.
Why the size of Data Warehouse is always much bigger than an OLTP environment?
The size of data in a DW is much more that in OLTP as there are huge numbers of indexes.
“Normalization in Data Warehouse”.  Write your comments on this statement.
The basic feature of Normalization is avoiding of duplication of data through the use of Primary Key and Foreign Key relationships between tables. However this concept slows the query performance. To increase the query performance is the main motto of DW. The SID and Fact Tables are highly normalized. However the Dimension Tables are highly de-normalized.
Any effort to normalize the dimension tables results in saving less than 1% of the disk space in comparison to the Fact Table. Thus rendering the effort a waste of time
Can we upload transactional data even when master data is not available? Explain.
Yes. However we cannot query for that particular record.
What is ODS and what is it used for?
An ODS Object serves to store consolidated and debugged transaction data on a document level (atomic level). It describes a consolidated dataset from one or more InfoSources. This dataset can be analyzed with a BEx Query or InfoSet Query.
An ODS Object contains a key (for example, document number/item) as well as data fields that can also contain character fields (for example, order status, customer) as key figures. The data of an ODS Object can be updated with a delta update into InfoCubes and/or other ODS Objects in the same system or across systems
What is the significance of ODS in BIW?
An ODS Object serves to store consolidated and debugged transaction data on a document level (atomic level). It describes a consolidated dataset from one or more InfoSources. This dataset can be analyzed with a BEx Query or InfoSet Query. The data of an ODS Object can be updated with a delta update into InfoCubes and/or other ODS Objects in the same system or across systems.
In contrast to multi-dimensional data storage with InfoCubes, the data in ODS Objects is stored in transparent, flat database tables
Why does one need to maintain aggregates?  Under what conditions should one not maintain aggregates?
Being a subset of an InfoCube, Aggregates can be used for improving the query performance. There are no aggregates for time-dependent characteristics and their dependent navigational attributes.
We have to do a master data upload before a transactional data upload, why?
During the Transactional Data Upload, the Dimension Tables get populated. The DIM ID’s are created based on the SID’s. ie for almost every characteristic there is a corresponding Master Data which has to be referred during the transactional data upload.( get error missing DIM ID)
Under what reporting scenarios do we need to make master data time dependent?.................
Efforts to normalize any of the tables in a dimension in order to save space are a waste of time.  Why?
Efforts to normalize any of the tables in a dimension in order to save space are a waste of time as the space saved is less than 1% of the size of the Fact Table.
In a fact less fact table please explain what are event tracking tables and coverage tables giving a small example of each?
Events are often modeled by a fact table containing a number of keys, each representing a participating dimension in the event. Such event tables often have no obvious numerical facts associated facts associated with them, and hence are called factless fact tables.
Difference between analyzing data using a LIS structure and an InfoCube (at least 6 points of difference)
LIS Structure

Detailed transaction data
Often summarized data
Current data with minimum history
Significant history required
Changing with business events
Fixed as of specific point in time
Minimally integrated with data from other modules
Significant integration with data from other modules.
Highly normalized
Often highly Denormalized ie restructures for queries
Update / Insert / delete
Read only
45. What are the goals of data modeling for a data warehouse?
The goals of data modeling for Data Warehousing are
ØA model that organizes the information according to the primary business lines (eg. Product line, sales organization, time,)  -- the dimensions.
ØA model that allows you to analyze the information suing any combination of dimensions.
ØA model that allows you to define the aggregation level and the returned information for a dimension without regard to other dimensions.
List the decision points in designing a dimensional data?
The processes and hence the identity of the fact tables.
  1. The grain of each fact table
  2. The dimensions of each fact table
  3. The facts, including precalculated facts.
  4. The dimension attributes with complete descriptions and proper terminology.
  5. How to track slowly changing dimensions.
  6. The aggregations, heterogeneous dimensions, mini dimensions, query modes and other physical storage decisions.
  7. The historical duration of the database
  8. The urgency with which the data is extracted and loaded into the data warehouse.
How would you decide whether an info object should be used better as a dimensional characteristic or as an attribute of a basic characteristic?
Dimension attributes that will be frequently used for navigation (for drill down purpose) should be in the dimension table.
A dependant parent dim. Attribute should be placed in a master table (navigational attribute).
Differentiate between Meta data and Master data.
Meta Data: Data that describes the structure of data or MetaObjects is called Metadata. In other words data about data is known as Meta Data.
Master Data: Master data is data that remains unchanged over a long period of time. It contains information that is always needed in the same way. Characteristics can bear master data in BW. With master data you are dealing with attributes, texts or hierarchies.
Differentiate between Transaction data, Master data and Metadata updates.
Data relating to the day-to-day transactions is the Transaction data.
Differentiate between full upload and delta upload.
A full update requests all data that corresponds to the selection criteria you determined in the Scheduler.
A delta update requests only the data that has been accumulated since the last update, and adds these to the database.
Difference between Infocube & ODS Objects


1.It is a multi dimensional object (MDM)
1.It is a flat transparent data table
2.Fact tables, dimension tables exist
2.No fact and dimension tables exist
3. Follows extended star schema
3.No star schema
4.It supports Addition and No Update
4. It supports Addition, no update and Overwrite
What is Query Jump Target?
It is used to run other queries, transactions and ABAP reports from output of a query. Sometimes output of basic query will be treated as input to the other report
By using RRI (Report Report interface) query to query or other transactions is possible
Transaction Code: RSBBS
What is a calculated key figure??
It is a formula consisting of basic restricted or other calculated key figure available in the info provider stored in Meta data repository for reuse in multiple queries
What is the purpose of Filter?
We use filters to limit selection of data to a particular characteristic value or set of values
What is Exceptions and Explain?
In exception reporting we select and highlight objects that are in someway different or critical.
Results that fall outside a set of predetermined threshold values (exceptions) are highlighted in color. This enables you to identify immediately any results that deviate from expected result.
Exception reporting allows you to determine the objects that are critical for a query, both online and in background processing.
How do you perform currency translation in BEx?
Currency translation in the update provides option of translating data records from source currency to target currency. Transaction Code: RRC1
What is the use of variable?
To make our report dynamic we use Variable. Transaction Code: RSZV
What is Info set?
Info sets are collections of key figures that have a logical relationship to each other. They contain either key figures or sets. This allows you to generate different levels of detail.
What is an Info structure?
Info structures are the database tables in which period-based data of the operative application is updated. They are comprised of characteristics suitable for summarization (such as, Purchasing Organizations), and key figures (for example, Sales).
What are the types of ODS Objects and explain?
An ODS is a subject-oriented, integrated, volatile, current-valued data store containing only corporate detailed data.
The ODS is an intermediate storage area of operational data for the data warehouse
Advantage of the overwrite capability of the ODS for key f  and non kf  since it is not possible to overwrite the data in infocubes.By default the ODS contains TD only.ODS is based on two dimensional database stru the no of db table joins will be minimal &the query will be executed more efficiently.
There are 2 main types of ODS Objects:
1.      Standard ODS Object
2.      Transactional ODS Object
Data is immediately available for reporting. The transactional ODS object is different from the standard ODS object thru its architecture and the way in which it contains data. It fulfills the requirement for data to be immediately visible. This is necessary for example, SAP Strategic Enterprise Management (SEM) or other external applications.
Use: Transactional ODS objects allow data to be available quickly
What are the ways one can define Transfer rule? TR are used to define how the fields of the T stru are assigned to the Infoobject of the comm. Stru.TR a transfer stru and a comm. Stru (infosource).3 types of TR 1) field to field2)fixed value
3) Local T routine using ABAP
What is maximum number of key figures or facts in a fact table? Ans 233(255-6-16char)
What is maximum number of characteristics in a dimension? Ans  248
Define Remote Cube and Multi Cube and procedure for creating them? What is the use of Remote and Multi Cube, where exactly we will use them?........................................................
Why an Info cube contains 16 dimensions, why not some other number?
A dimension uses a key column in the fact table. In most databases, a table can have a maximum of 16 key columns. Therefore, BW mandates that an Info cube can have a maximum of 16 dimensions: three are reserved for Data Packet, Time and Unit; the remaining 13 are left for us to use.
Which Control table is updated in the OLTP for BW delta extraction?
Table name TMCBIW (Mention the Info structure S###).

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